kamah Yoga Friends-Interview with Manuela König

Yoga Bekleidung Athleisure

"Smile, and the world is changing"

When you go to INDRA YOGA on your yoga path, you start with a gentle smile that you give yourself and after that you go "step by step" on the way to you! "  Manuela König 

Manuela König, yoga and life coach and owner of the Yoga School INDRA YOGA, has been part of the kamah Yoga Family for years.

In an interview, she told us how wonderful yoga can enrich and direct life.

Manuela, please tell us something about you and your yoga path. When and how did you get to yoga?

Yoga came first about reading books into my life. I read books by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Walter Evans-Wentz, Paul Brunton, Yesudian, Elisabeth Haich, Boris Sakharov, and others. I met the physical yoga only years later, before that I was physically fit with aerobics and fitness sports. Later I got to know Hatha Yoga, Intensive Yoga, Ashtanga and VinyasaYoga, but only when I met Kriya Yoga I got a perfect connection between physical and mental yoga practice.    

Your beautiful statement is certainly more important than ever today: "Smile, and the world is changing".What can you tell us about that?

That's true. I do a small exercise every day, which I originally learned from Vera F. Birkenbihl. The exercise goes like this: You're enchanting a smile on your face. You think this smile is 3 minutes.

I love this little practice. It's actually life-changing. I recommend the exercise especially if you just think that there is nothing to laugh at all. Try it yourself and feel what it does to you.  

On the website of your yoga school you can read customer statements; people who you have helped in a wide variety of life situations. How do you see your talent to be able to help people?   

The gift I've been given is "SILENCE". I love silence. At the same time, my love of silence gives me the ability to listen carefully, to feel very finely, and to perceiving what is and what is needed.  

What do you feel about someone who wants to start with yoga? How does an absolute newcomer find out which yoga path suits him?

That describes it pretty well: Just do it! There are so many different yoga traditions today, and even in a tradition, so different teachers, that it's just fine if you try different schools and just stay where you like best and where you feel so good.    


Theme of Living in general: what is your heart's particular concern?

Freedom is particularly close to my heart. My love of freedom has led me to where I am today. It takes courage, self-confidence, self-love and trust. All this has taught me yoga.    


Theme Yoga Clothing. How important is sustainable yoga clothing?

It's very important to me, that's why I love kamah. I was after the 10. Class for one year on a garment engineering school. At the time, I had the idea to become a designer. In this "apprenticeship year", I also gained insight into the clothing industry in the production of fabrics and garments. At that time I was aware of sustainable productions and I was clear from there that a "good" piece of clothing must also have a "good" price or even have to have it!


Yoga-and Lounge-Wear are available in countless materials and carving. And we know that a yoga outfit has to sit perfectly, so that you feel comfortable in the Asana practice. What yoga leggings of kamah is your favorite?

Oh, you know, I love them all, but clearly there's always a favorite, that's the yoga leggings at the momentTYRA in nightblue, closely followed by the PantPANAREA in City Bloom and Mystique.

And what yoga top do you recommend?When warming up and during the final relaxation in the yoga class you should wear something long-sleeved and cuddly. Which kamah jacket or wrap jacket is your favorite?

To leggings Tyra I love to wear the yoga top MilaThe ULounge shirt and my favorite jacket Pooja.

The athleisure look of our kamah collections is designed in such a way that you can wear all styles super well in everyday life. How do you find that?

That's exactly what suits me and what I've always been looking for before I found kamah. With me is always yoga, after the yoga class is before the yoga class and in between I often travel in the city, meet with friends and with business partners and I am always perfectly dressed with kamah.   

Many thanks to you, Manuela, for the inspiring conversation! We are looking forward to further projects with you and INDRA YOGA.

If you want to know more about Manuela and her yoga and life coaching, check out her website www.indra-yoga.com Over!