A question we should all be asking ourselves. Who makes our clothing - and above all, under what conditions?
Thanks for more awareness.
We thank the Fashion Revolution Week that this week of action commemorates the Rana Plaza disaster. And we say THANK YOU for the currently urgent attention to the tragic circumstances on site that Covid-19 is currently causing: numerous orders are currently being canceled, causing the factories to stand still. And now millions of clothing workers are threatened with unemployment and poverty as a result.
We all have a responsibility.
As part of this year's Fashion Revolution Week 2020, activities are being organized around the world to “create awareness of the circumstances in the fashion industry and call on companies to take greater responsibility with factory workers”, according to the organizers in a press release.
kamah's ethical and ecological standards
Verena Sapper, the founder of kamah, has high ethical and ecological standards for her label. Seeing the other person and not hurting them - these are ideals like ahimsa (non-hurting), which yoga is about. Kamah also applies this principle to the production of yoga clothing. Every yoga shirt and pants are made in Portugal by well-trained and fairly paid seamstresses. The cotton comes from sustainable cultivation and is grown without the use of chemical agents - no overexploitation of humans and nature.
We care - you wear.
LOVE, kamah