kamah yoga fashion – interview with foundress Verena Sapper

The career woman and designer from kamah tells about the successful history and the challenges of a lasting Athletic Fashion of enterprise.
Inspires from the nature - for feeling fine created: The Athletic fashion from kamah exists of natural materials and unique Print design. High-quality quality of the bio-materials and fair production in Portugal guarantee fashion items from kamah which arouse enthusiasm with lasting effect.
However, who is behind the modern cuts who selects the unfathomably soft materials?
If her Verena Sapper, the foundress from kamah more and more exactly wanted to get to know, is this your chance.
Which cultures inspire Verena to her designs what is her opinion to the momentary situation of our world of fashion? We have questioned our designer and foundress of the brand kamah.
What is for you the special in the kamah products?
Verena: „Everybody kamah collection part is created by me with all my love, thus as I would form a present for a friend. I pay attention extremely to perfect passport forms and because I am of the same Allergikerin, it is to me a special concern that the materials are a hypoallergen. kamah Fashion should contribute 100%-ig to the pleasant sensation – without pressure, itch or pinching.
Our Athleisure Wear owns at least 3 abilities: functionally with yoga and sport, softy and reassuringly on the skin, modern Athletic Fashion for the everyday life"
Why is lastingness so important to you with your Athleisure fire?
Verena: „Already from an early age attention was a part of my education. Hence, it is natural for me to treat all things with attention and, to use again if possibly. Moreover, I rather invest a little bit more money in the products which hold also longer. There are fast-moving, unfair Wegwerf products meanwhile too many at the market.
By the foundation from kamah was quite clear for me that only one lasting product philosophy is possible.“
What does yoga mean for you?
Verena: „I have grown up with very high ethical principles and in the yoga I have found again many of these values. What many do not know: A yoga are not the Asanas, the body exercises which are mistaken with pleasure for this concept. Yoga is a comprehensive attitude to life - this life style exists of 8 different steps – and the Asanas as one of these steps are there to calm our mind by the deliberate movement and to prepare us for the meditation.“
How have you come to the Fashion world?
Verena: „Already I have disguised myself as a child with pleasure and have signed a lot. I wanted to sketch clothes. Even then was clear for me that I wanted to deal something with materials and threads. After the Abitur I made a 9-month training period in a big Fashionhaus, then I have applied for the fashion design study. During my education I always had Jil Sander as a model of my vision – with her puristic innovative design it was for me even then a style icon and symbol for creative freedom and spirit of the times.
As a young designer I began on behalf of Freelance-design offices to work for various sports brands and fashion brands. Soon on it I received the possibility to co-operate directly with the sports companies.
Besides, I got orders to help as a costume designer in film projects at home and abroad. The film branch had also always irritated me as an artist; here there was the possibility to be able to come with the draught of the costumes individually on a role / An actor. Together to develop the whole stories or a film figure - exactly this is my passion: the world of the senses and the imagination. Also in my collection works this subject finds itself.“
What inspires you to your designs?
Verena: „I have grown up in the country, very nature-loving in a house at the edge of the forest with a gigantic garden. Hence, the fullness of the nature is always a big spring of the inspiration for me, if it is the animal world or the forms wonderfully changing by the seasons and colours of the plants. With pleasure I also get suggestions from art museums and exhibitions – above all old black-and-white photographs inspire me already since my childhood.
I travel incredibly with pleasure in foreign countries – if it is live or by means of myths, fairy tales or stories from other times: this brings my imagination for glowing. However, also everyday situations on the street, the different people and nations and to her more respectively individual clothes style are a basis of my collection draughts.“
Where does one find again in kamah fashion styles the different nations which inspire you to the designs?
Verena: „The name kamah (=allumfassende love) comes from Sanskrit, the language of old India. This oriental country with his fullness in religions and cultures is the cradle of the yoga: Our slope day in every garment reminds in the form of the HAMSA hand of the tradition of the eastern henna paintings. And the symbolic-laden Lotusblüte of the Tibetan Buddhism is central part of the kamah logo.
In the collections one sees the inspiration certainly most clearly in the different ones Sarouelhosen, I had developed after my time in India. Also the careless beach tunics from kamah and our soft Zip Ponchos from Sweat product tell stories from another world.
For the COOL CAZZZ Athletic Fashion with theirs Sports styles if I could observe in New York, Sydney and Los Angeles simply many Fashion People, the runners, athletes and fitness eager on the street and in the parks - and on the beach the Surfer-Crowds.
What were special milestones in the history from kamah?
Verena: „When I developed the brand kamah in 2007, I had been distinguished just with the German television price of the best costume picture.
I love my occupation as a costume designer – nevertheless, it became clear to me that I still wanted to begin an own, FAIR project which reflects my personal convictions and my ethics.
At this time I began from my sitting room, the first steps to go – from the logo up to the brand registration and the first collection which was produced then in 2008. This was really a big step for me.
When kamah went in 2008 officially on the market, we celebrated a gigantic party with all our friends and friends. I remember this highlight and the whole positive excitement still today really with pleasure.
In 2012 followed then of the Launch of our online shop and a year later we have moved in a big office and have ourselves, so to speak, professionalisiert with more employees and a camp. This step required a lot of courage for me, because now I officially became an enterpriser: big commercial firms became our customers and with it also there grew the demands for us. For us a very thrilling time, because we were made constantly jump in the cold water and to us over and over again had to acquire new.
Today, in 2018, is kamah, in the meantime, 10 years at the market and on it I am extremely proud.“
If you had to decide on three which are your darlings the kamah yoga clothing? And why?
Verena: „I cannot limit to three myself completely: I love that DAPHNE Trousers and the Jumpsuits LAKSHMI and RAYthe INES Bra from bamboo I carry, actually, every day; he is much more comfortable simply pleasantly on the skin and than normal Bügel-BHs. Of course I could still have enumerated much more parts because our fashion becomes a portion too really of comfortable, portable Athletic Fashion by the Elasthan. Thus one simply feels fine, at home and in the everyday life or with the sport.
I carry Lakshmi Overall very much with pleasure to the yoga, together with Ines Bra. It is great that one can carry Lakshmi also carelessly with turned upper top. And I find Ray Overall simply absolutely cool because he is hip and absolutely roadworthy.“
What surprises you in the today's world of fashion?
Verena: „The general carelessness torments me. Quality and fairness are values which are not estimated in the today's world of fashion any more. It surprises me, how high on the one hand the consciousness is for the climate change and the decrease of the resources - and on the other side the resource-destroying Almost Fashion of the cheap chains is supported by mindless consumption so strongly. I cannot understand this bipolar thinking.
What surprises me, however, positively, is that the young adults think more and more about lastingness and Upcycling. The fact that the next generation starts to rethink is immensely important in my opinion and indispensably for the future of this world - and this simply pleases me.“
How do you integrate attention into the partly stressful everyday life of a foundress?
Verena: „I meditate every morning and make from the small activities of the everyday life an attention practise, e.g. as I prepare the tea in the morning to me. By the bicycle by the English garden in Munich to kamah has to drive for me a little bit incredibly relaxing. Also gratitude rituals are a firm component of my daily routine: I am grateful for so a lot and this feeling I direct every morning upwards in the universe. Our health is so important! I am so grateful for my functioning body and the possibility to be allowed to experience deliberately in a peaceful country every day - with all his nice ones and the challenging events. I am grateful for my own freedom and the possibility to live with kamah my life's dream.
Of course I carry out regularly yoga and as a vegetarian I live consciously and very healthy, besides, however, always with pleasure, because I eat frightfully with pleasure, above all chocolate. If negative events have gone for me during the day near, in the evening I try to clear my thoughts and to make peace. The words‚ Mens sana in corpore of sano' mean the stimulus for me to hold body and mind in the harmony. This careful setting is certainly a part of my recipe for success from kamah.“