kamah Yoga-Friends... an interview with Marina Schulik

Model, Yogini, Bloggerin with NAMASTREE, yoga and Lifecoach and for many years a part the kamah yoga Family: Marina Schulik has told us during an interview how yoga enriches her life and how she unites the model life with the yoga.
Since 2010 you are on the move in the yoga world. What has changed in your life mostly, compared to your attitude to life, before you have begun to carry out yoga?
Marina: „Something! And exactly these changes have arranged me to want to transmit it. I have felt so much lighter, more freely and more probably - I wish this simply everybody! Before it I was put towards the life very negatively. With the yoga there came the positive thoughts and the questions, why I as eat as I eat - and whether was it not differently healthier....?
I have thereby started understanding the principle of the trust in the life. Since if one sees the life positive, one also pulls of positive.“

How have you felt your yoga education in India? One often hears that within a yoga teacher training also the quite personal subjects are touched which allow own internal growth. Was there for you also such a point in which you have outgrown yourself?
Marina: „I must confess that the education was so incredibly intensive in India on account of the flow of information that the emotional processing came really only afterwards. One soaks up everything, lets everything work on himself. And a lot has come only afterwards with some distance so properly with me.“
Do you have a darling-yoga position?
Marina: „The tree! Because he connects us with the sky and the earth. He gives us roots and stability - and at the same time he leaves us pliably his in the wind of the life.“
The more one deals with yoga than attitude to life, the more openly and more reflected one sees himself and his people. How do you handle with it if people have a not so "yogische" attitude to life and it comes to conflicts?
Marina: „First: Nevertheless, true beauty lies in the perfectly unperfect! I am also not perfect and I learn every day. The understanding is very important for each other. Everybody simply has his own way and his own speed. An important sentence in my life: Treating other in such a way, as you yourself would like to be treated. ‘“
Beside your appeal as a yoga teacher and Life coach you are also a very successful model. Do two worlds not meet there? Or can you see one as a balance on the other hand?
Marina: „A friend has said sometimes to me, you unite the internal and external beauty :-) This compliment has touched I me very much! In the beginning it has really been difficult for me to combine yoga with my model job, because I thought, materially and spiritually does not unite. Hello, drawer thinking! ;) Meanwhile I see the beauty in the common characteristic of both.“
We from kamah took already more often the pleasure to work together with you than model and to create together wonderful pictures. Do you have then a kamah-favorite part?
Marina: „Not only one! ;) But without mine Daphne Jogging trousers I cannot be on the move any more! In that one can travel really comfortably, yoga make whenever to me seems good and they looks in addition still mega good, all the same as one combines them.“